“On the Edge of it All”

Supporting Public Arts, Local History, and Education

Our Vision:
The Department of Arts, History, and Culture will advance tourism through comprehensive planning and development of public arts, history, and cultural experiences.

Our Mission:
Our mission is to enhance local tourism, bolster education, and improve quality of life for local communities through the sharing of visual and performing arts, local histories, and historic cultures.

  • Seneca City Museums

    The Seneca City Museums provide a unique experience that is unmatched in South Carolina.

  • The Carter Archives

    The City of Seneca’s Carter Archives value and support a community where all stories are collected, preserved, and told, and we are working to amplify the voices of marginalized communities and cultures.

  • Visual and Performing Arts

    The arts are essential to Seneca in inspiring, educating, entertaining, and connecting communities and cultures.

  • Historic Sites

    Explore the historic sites and landmarks of Seneca SC.

"Culture is not only the language and the arts of a people. It is all their history, all their hopes for the future." - Robert Payne


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